Cycle Kirklees
Promoting everyday cycling – the Kirklees Cycling Campaign
Latest News
Cooper Bridge Consultation Response
The A62 to Cooper Bridge Corridor Improvement Scheme represents a critical opportunity to address long-standing issues on one of the busiest routes in Kirklees. However, the current proposals fall short of delivering the transformative change needed to prioritise active travel effectively.
Building Active Travel in Kirklees: A Look at LCWIP3 Progress
Last week, members of Cycle Kirklees got a behind-the-scenes look at the progress of West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s (WYCA) LCWIP3 for the Kirklees area.
LCWIPs, or Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans, were introduced as part of the UK Government’s Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS) in April 2017…
Secure Cycle Parking: What next for Huddersfield Station?
Cycle parking facilities are long overdue at key locations in Kirklees. A few places have good installations. We are impressed with the cycle parking now available at University of Huddersfield. Facilities for staff and students have improved on campus in recent years…
West Yorkshire Local Transport Plan: Vision Document
Cycle Kirklees’ submission urges the West Yorkshire Local Transport Plan to reduce long-distance travel, prioritise active travel, and discourage car use. It calls for a cohesive cycling network, improved air quality measures, social justice for disabled passengers, and stronger focus on reducing driver behaviour’s environmental impact.
Slow Progress on a Cycling & Walking Network in Kirklees
We asked questions at Kirklees Scrutiny Panel (Growth & Regeneration) on Monday 23rd September. We produce two of the 5 questions below and Kirklees Council’s answers. We are concerned that no progress has been made on implementing the one route selected to start this network…
Kirklees at a Crossroads: Investing in Walking, Cycling, and Wheeling and the IPPR Report
Active travel has the potential to transform Kirklees into a healthier, more accessible, and environmentally friendly region. However, the lack of political will, funding, and a comprehensive cycling network plan has hindered progress. The IPPR report suggests…
About Cycle Kirklees
Cycle Kirklees promotes everyday cycling. We campaign for ‘easier to navigate’ roads and safer routes for cyclists. This, together with cycle training, will encourage more people in Kirklees to use a bike – for travelling to work, school or college, for going shopping, or for leisure, well-being and keeping fit and healthy.
We monitor and comment on local and regional transport strategies and specific road and off-road plans – particularly those aimed at improving cycling and walking.