Cycle Kirklees Manifesto
The following are our priorities for City Connect (WYCA), and Kirklees Council. We are campaigning for a safer cycling infrastructure in existing and new developments providing a clear plan to encourage modal shift as agreed by the Mayor and the five West Yorkshire districts (WY Transport Strategy REF).
In the forthcoming council elections (2nd May), ask your ward candidates whether they will speak up for cycling and walking if elected.
1. Existing residential streets redesigned to ensure we ‘liveable streets’ where children can walk and cycle to school, speeds are reduced to 20mph and the footway is protected for walking and wheelchairs
2. Walking and cycling made the first consideration in design of small highway schemes (including safety) – not as “a bolt on where we can”
3. All new housing developments should be effectively connected to the walking and cycling network, so everyone has the choice to walk and cycle from early occupation of properties
4. Convenient cycle parking in all town centres and at all places of education
5. Clear and safe routes linking our main town and village centres
6. Development of a full network plan for Kirklees (with links to Calderdale, Bradford, Leeds and Wakefield districts); with phasing.

Examples of accessible, convenient cycle parking