Cycle Kirklees Newsletter 52

In this issue:
Updates about the “active travel” corridors planned to run in neighbourhoods alongside A629 Halifax Road. 
Details of our alternative plan for the controversial link to Lindley centre via Thornhill Road and Occupation Road.
Meeting called by the opposition to Phase 4 A629 (above) on Thursday 3rd March. Recent social media debate has been full of disinformation.
Holmfirth Film Festival features cycling films – Sunday 20th March.

Halifax Road A629 Phase 4 plans update

Parts of the proposed Quietways alongside the A629 Halifax Road in the Phase 4 programme have hit organised opposition since the consultation. Planned routes and preliminary designs have been subject to petitions and residents have had two online public meetings to raise issues. Lindley councillors have been organising some of this response in advance of a closely contested election in May.    
A residents lobby (Lindley) has convened a “live” meeting in Marsh at 18.00 on Thursday 3rd March in Gledholt Church to discuss their objections. They are concerned that proposed road space reallocation in Thornhill Road and the creation of a one-way route through Occupation Road (near HRI) will result in more traffic on residential roads.  
Kirklees Cycling Campaign (KCC) has prepared an alternative plan that proposes that Occupation Road (see photo) is designated as “Vehicle Access only for Residents”. KCC submitted criticism of some aspects of this route before consultations closed but was not invited by consultants Mott MacDonald to the online meetings, although we applied to attend.
Details of the questions addressed at the online meetings are available online: Improved walking and cycling around the A629, Halifax – Huddersfield | Your Voice (
Find all the details of the meeting on the KCC CycleKirklees web site. 

See our Alternative Plan New story

Wanted: Enthusiasts for Holmfirth Film Festival Cycling Event

Holmfirth Film Festival is running a day of pro–cycling films on Sunday 20th March at Holmfirth Civic Hall.
If you or your group would like to contribute with a stall, advice or exhibits to support the day contact Kim Warren  
CycleKirklees will have have a presence to reinforce the message that cycling is a real alternative to motor vehicles in Kirklees. Please come along to support.  

Holmfirth Film Festival

A638 Second Consultation

There is great disappointment that all cycle provision on the A638 between Dewsbury and the A62 has been removed in this second plan.
Full details of our submission to WYCA Your Voice will be included in our next issue. Deadline for comment is 15th March. If you want to share comments email us. A detailed critique of the latest plans will be uploaded on our website on 2nd March.

Dewsbury Cleckheaton A638 Second Consultation

Feedback 1: Why we need to reallocate roadspace  

“We really do have to move forward with better infrastructure for walking and cycling in the Kirklees area, I have been commuting by bicycle for the last 7 years and all the roads are completely biased towards motor vehicles. This puts people off who would like to try cycling/commuting.” We agree that it is the most common reason for people not to cycle because “it’s too dangerous” .
[Member comment]

Feedback 2: Walkers, cyclists and shared space  

A Lindley resident responded to our article in the last issue on the case for widening footpaths near the town centre.  
“I’m also not happy re the approach to Public Rights of Way (PROWs) in the A629 Phase 4 scheme…… particularly the proposals to fell trees to widen paths through Highfields and Birkby/Grimescar to accommodate cyclists.
“I have similar concerns regarding a proposed 3m wide strip of tarmac across Daisy Lea Lane recreation ground. I would prefer Kirklees Council to register the narrow path it created there for families to reach the playground as a PROW and withdraw these proposals.”
We take up this issue of shared use in some detail in the March Newsletter.

March 22 Issue Out Soon
Contents will include news items and links to web site on the following topics:

  1. Barriers for cycle routes – time for a rethink about accessibility 
  2. Shared space – designing for safe walking and cycling
  3. Kirklees Place Partnerships on Active Travel – where will cycling be promoted? 
  4. Highway Code – motorists education needed for pedestrians and cyclists
  5. Fenay Greenway – improved prospects for its revival
  6. Colne Valley Greenway – concerns about maintenance and dumping
  7. Greenways – planned event and conference 
  8. E-cargo bikes – two new projects to launch soon
  9. Dewsbury Town Centre – progress report