Cycle Kirklees Newsletter 55

In this issue:

  • Plans for a large Amazon warehouse on the Spen Valley Greenway
  • Funding scheme announced for a Kirklees Cycling hub
  • Kirklees Cycling Campaign AGM Agenda & Papers

Cycle Kirklees responds to plan for a large Amazon warehouse alongside the Spen Valley Greenway

Kirklees Cycling Campaign has lodged an objection to the proposed development of a large Amazon warehouse and fulfilment centre close to Chain Bar roundabout near Cleckheaton, which is adjacent to the Spen Valley Greenway (NCN 66)

The submission included concern at the impact of the operation of the proposed warehouse on traffic levels and air pollution. Its impact will also be felt by people living close to the site, those accessing local schools and sports facilities and those using the Greenway. Click on the green button for the full story.

A Kirklees Community Active Travel Hub?

City Connect (WYCA) recently announced a competitive award of £50,000 to fund the establishment of a number of Community Active Travel Hubs. There is a drop in day on Friday 17th June for Kirklees organisations in Dewsbury Kirklees Council Customer Services Centre from 10.00 – 14.00. 
EPIKs ( has started on an online hub. WYCA officers suggested that it may be opportune to create a consortium of existing local third sector organisations that deliver cycling and walking activity in Kirklees. From this it may be possible to prepare a successful bid. However, wt this time of the year everyone is pretty busy, which makes collaborative working on such a bid that much more difficult.

City Connect: Community Active Travel Hub

Kirklees Cycling Campaign AGM Agenda & Papers

Kirklees Cycling Campaign AGM Agenda 
Date: Wednesday 25th May

Time: 19.00 (open from 18.30 – hot drinks available) 
Venue: Cafe, New North Road Baptist Church, New North Parade, Huddersfield HD1 5JU. 
Cycle parking: we will arrange a safe place near the foyer (or inside) 
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of 2021 AGM
3. Chair’s Report for 2021/22 (to follow at weekend)
4. Committee’s proposal for awards to people who have excelled in promoting everyday cycling in Kirklees
5. Financial Report (to be tabled) and fund-raising proposal
6. Election of officers (chair, secretary, treasurer, communications, membership) and committee for 2022/23. The KCC committee is elected at each AGM and consists of five to ten people. The work of the committee is not for everyone. We currently have a committee of 5* but would like two or three more people – you could contribute by helping with campaigning, research, social media and communications, future events or membership recruitment. 
Nominations or offers may be made in advance to KCC Secretary, Bill Hunter []
7. Any other notified business 
*Current committee is Chas Ball (chair), Huddersfield; Bill Hunter (sec), Holme Valley; Chris Knight (comms), Batley; Rutger Clarke, Birstall; Joanne Waddington, Meltham. 
Close of AGM 
Workshop session – establishing priorities for 22/23 (see below)

Other papers for this 2022 AGM you will find on the web site by Sunday night (Chair’s Report and Workshop Guidelines) or we will send another e-mail. The AGM Minutes 2021 are included at the end of this newsletter.
If you need to consult the Kirklees Cycling Campaign Constitution you will find it on the web site. 
Photo: Kit Allwinter, WYCA Active Travel Adviser, speaking at Decabon8 conference in Leeds on 11 May.
See pledge on decarbonisation of transport signed by leader of Kirklees Council, Cllr Shabir Pandoor 

AGM Workshop

Workshop: Help inform our priorities for for 22/23. Should we formulate a Kirklees Cycling Manifesto? 
Through a small group session we will aim to produce a 10-point plan. We will start this after the AGM and a draft checklist will be available for members to comment on.
Following brief introductions by KCC committee members, we will break into smaller groups and feed in ideas. Our conclusion will be to formulate key priorities for future work by KCC. We will close by 21.00. Hot drinks will be available.

Kirklees Cycling Campaign: AGM 2021 minutes

Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 13th May, 2021 by Zoom.
The AGM was preceded by guest speaker, Kit Allwinter, Active Travel Policy Officer, West Yorkshire Combined Authority, followed by questions and discussion.
AGM Minutes

  1. Chairman John Lewis tabled a very detailed report and analysis for the year 20/21. The report was approved after a number of questions were raised by members. John was thanked for his efforts in the past year and in developing KCC to its present position.
  2. Election of officers for 2021/22. The following were elected: Chair: Chas Ball, Secretary: Bill Hunter, Committee: John Lewis, Chris Knight, Joanne Waddington
  3. No other business the meeting closed at 20.45

Next Issue 

Dewsbury Summer Programme of E-Bike Test Rides and Cycling for All – EPIKs will launch this programme at an event outside the Town Hall on Saturday 18th June. There will be 5 community events throughout Dewsbury in June and July supported by the Dewsbury Kirklees councillors. At some events, Street Bikes will be part of the programme.