Cycle Kirklees Newsletter 63

May 2023
Newsletter No. 63

  • Our 2023 AGM: new date, 18th July 
  • Invitation to launch of Walk Wheel Ride Kirklees on Friday 9th June
  • Cycling UK Advocacy Network

AGM – new diary date – Tuesday 18th July

Our AGM is now planned for Tuesday 18th July at 19.30 in the cafe at New North Road Baptist Church (near railway station, Huddersfield). Secure bike parking provided. More information will be included in the June newsletter and official papers will go out two weeks before the meeting. If you feel you might like to join the committee, we’ll include some background notes in the next issues about what is involved.
This is the programme for the evening:
19.00: A presentation (plus Q&A) on the Walk Wheel Ride (Kirklees) online hub (see launch details below) by Antony de Heveningham (EPIKS)
19.30: AGM with reports, elections and discussion of future priorities and tactics
20.00: A Workshop on Navigating Huddersfield on a Bike with maps and suggested routes in and out and across the town from different neighbourhoods and venues. We will be asking for your input – your navigation hints – in our June newsletter

Walk Wheel Ride Online Kirklees Launch

Members are invited to the launch of Walk Wheel Ride Kirklees on Friday 9th June at the Hive Community Cafe, St George’s Square from 16.30.

Walk Wheel Ride aims to give people advice and inspiration to travel on foot, by bike, e-bike, scooter or wheelchair. The ‘virtual’ hub will be a one-stop-shop for people of all ages and abilities in Kirklees.

EPIKS, a not for profit company that delivers a range of environmental projects, has created this new resource to promote active travel. Walk, Wheel, Ride Kirklees is a brand also adopted by the newly established ‘Active Travel hub’ in Slaithwaite, serving the Colne Valley, and run by EPIKS’ partners, Colne Valley Cycle Therapy. Both projects are funded by CityConnect (WYCA).

The Hive will be offering tea, cold drinks and (very) light refreshments from 16:30. EPIKS promises a photoshoot at 17:00 and demos of the online resources in the cafe. Register on Eventbrite to help with catering:

Other Cycle Kirklees news

We are planning a late autumn conference on Saturday 19th November, on school streets and other “low traffic” initiatives. Venue to be arranged but probably in North Kirklees.
We apologise for our failure to run the planned online members meeting on the future of the Greenways as advertised in our March newsletter. This was due to pressure of work on key committee members.
Our June Newsletter is well advanced and will be published in the first half of June. It will include news of improved access on Sustrans managed Greenways and our comments on schemes in Batley and Holmfirth.

Cycling UK Advocacy Network

CycleKirklees is thrilled to join forces with Cycling UK’s Cycling Advocacy Network (CAN) as a Partner Group. Together, we form a dynamic community of like-minded campaigners and cycling enthusiasts, united by our shared goal of promoting cycling throughout England. Through this partnership, we gain access to the support and resources provided by Cycling UK, empowering us to make a greater impact in national campaigns.
Keep an eye out for our recent appearance in a Cycling UK newsletter article, where we discussed the problems caused by the poor management of temporary greenway diversions.
You can learn more about the Cycling Advocacy Network here:







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