Cycle Kirklees question progress and closures at Scrutiny meeting

This week Cycle Kirklees sent our secretary, Chas Ball, to pose questions at the Kirklees Growth and Regeneration Scrutiny Panel. The agenda included reports on the developing Transport Strategy and an update on the Major Projects Transport Programme. Chas asked questions about the slow progress on planned infrastructure schemes; development and closure of greenways; and how Kirklees are planning to include walking and cycling at the heart of maintenance and development going forward.

Edward Highfield, service director for Skills and Regeneration said “I think the both the spirit in which the questions have been asked and answered is a collaborative and positive one.” He went on to say that they are working with Active Travel England to gain funding and through the design and review process to create new active travel corridors including improvements to greenways and tow paths.

Kirklees have put responsibility of the greenway closures by the Transpennine Route Upgrade firmly in the hands of TRU. Edward said “It is Network Rail’s responsibility to manage the signage and its implementation. The Council however does conduct checks on the signage when we receive any queries or concerns from members of the public and relay the issues/concerns to the Network Rail teams.”

Read our full Q&A here.