Proposals for walking and cycling ‘quietways’ around the A629, Halifax Road (Ainley Top to Huddersfield town centre)
These routes have been proposed as an alternative walking and cycle route to the A629 (Halifax Road) which provides a direct and relatively easy-gradient route for cyclists traveling between Ainley Top and Huddersfield Town Centre.
The proposed ‘alternative’ routes, through the residential areas, will provide useful routes for local journeys. We contend that access to shops, education and childcare, local employment, and leisure will all benefit from better cycling and walking facilities. The routes need to cater for ‘everyday’ cycling – for example popping to the shops or going to get a takeaway!
There is an absence of plans for cycling to and from several schools as well as New College and Greenhead College that are close to routes. Connecting local centres should be an important part of this scheme, yet the routes seem to skirt around them.
On the Lindley/Marsh route, we agree that Occupation Road is a good route for cyclists, and it is sensible to consider one-way operation for vehicle traffic. There should be safe, signposted and segregated connections to HRI as a major employer with very little visitor or employee cycle parking. This scheme should provide clear connections to the hospital campus, as well as cycle parking.

We have suggested that a wider, segregated 2-way cycle lane is considered. We think that Syringa Street, which is not currently a ‘quiet street’ requires a major redesign to change from a heavily overparked ‘rat run’ to a street that is safe for cyclists and pedestrians.
On the Birkby route there is also a need to link shops, schools and other destinations. There are shops and cafes in Marsh and Birkby which will benefit from increased walking and cycling, although as with Lindley, there is a need for installing secure cycle parking.
The new location of the zebra crossing on Blacker Road is welcome. The advisory cycle lanes on Blacker Road, at 1m are significantly narrower than the recommended minimum of 2m or the absolute minimum of 1.5m (only to be used where constraints, such as bridges, dictate). Whilst it is appreciated that LTN 1/20 design guidelines may not be possible due to the width of the road, 1m advisory cycle lanes are proven to be more dangerous to bicycle riders than no cycle lane at all.
The arrangement at Birkby Hall Road’s double mini-roundabout need reviewing – pedestrians and cyclists may have problems at this location.
The full submission is here